Thanks a lot Susan, I can always count on you to get things going. I have been thinking about my childhood since I read your post. I too had a good upbringing. We didn't have a lot, but back then it didn't seem to matter. We were happy with what we had. Here are a few memories, in no particular order.
1. Waking up to the smell of bacon frying in the kitchen.
2. Our kitchen had a bar that separated the kitchen from the dining area, I would stand up in a chair and look over it to watch mother when she cooked. I learned all I know about cooking while doing this.
3. Getting to go with daddy to the mines to get his check and then go out to pay bills on payday.
4. Going to the hospital to see Becky when she was born. We couldn't go to the room and I didn't get to see her, but we stood on the sidewalk while mother looked out the window.
5. Looking over the carseat at Becky when we took her home from the hospital.
6. Watching the men use a gas powered auger to put up Mr. Mitchells fence. I was about 4 when they did this.
7. Going to church barefooted on Wednesday nights.
8. Bro. Holley had an oscillating fan on the pulpit that would also hit the front pew. I would sit on the front pew so I could feel the fan. Before air conditioning.
9. Helping daddy work of stuff in the garage.
10. Pine cone battles, don't ever get hit with the green ones.
11. Going to Dixie Jr. High and changing classes for the first time. This is now Minor Community School.
12. Driving to Fayette to visit Grandmother and hearing mother and daddy sing the old songs.
13. Shooting into the sand bank at grandaddy's house, and then digging the bullets out of the sand.
14. Going to the Fairgrounds for a church picnic one Sunday afternoon and getting in trouble because I spent all my money on rides at Kiddie Land. $2.50.
15. Because I was the same age as Mark the preacher's son, when someone would ask Bro. Holley to lunch, I would get to go with them to keep him company. Thanks for the good food Sis. Cagle
16. Saturday work days. When adding on the the Mulga church building. The men would work and the ladies would provide lunch. The old building was built completely by the members.
17. Picking the white roses that Mrs. Mitchell planted on the fence. She told me I could have any that grew on my side.
18. Picking wild onions in the yard for mother to use in the kitchen.
19. Letting Becky sit in her stroller so she could watch me play. For details ask Becky.
20. Playing blindman's bluff and having Becky fall off the bed and knocking out her two front teeth.
21. I would count the people at church to pick the least number there so I could go up and be baptized. I didn't like to get up in front of a lot of people. On the night I was baptized there were 27. It was the 3rd of Jan. and the water was cold.
When I first read Susans blog, I wondered if I could think of 20 things, I could probably think of 100 more, but I won't bore you with it. This is just the first 21 I thought of.